Scout Alerts in Campfire via Hubot

Want to get Scout alerts piped into your Campfire room? You can, thanks to Scout user Gavin Stark’s Hubot script for Scout. Gavin describes the advantages for his team at Real Digital Media:

Our support staff can now see the alerts from Scout as a team. We combine this with other monitoring services that monitor ping-ability and web response speeds.

Getting Scout alerts in Campfire means we can discuss them inline and respond quickly. We’ve found the immediacy of Campfire to be an improvement over email.

Want to get your Scout alerts in Campfire? You’ll need a Hubot.

Need to set up a Hubot?

Hubot is a program that listens in on your chat room. He responds to commands and can provide notifications. Your Hubot needs to run someplace. Most people set him up on Heroku, since it’s A) really simple; B) free!

  1. follow these instructions to deploy Hubot to Heroku.
  2. once your Hubot has joined your Campfire room and responds to commands (try: hubot help), continue below to configure Scout to talk to your Hubot.

Already Got a Friendly Hubot?

Two easy steps:

  1. add the Hubot Script for Scout into your Hubot’s /scripts directory.
  2. in your Scout account, click on “Notifications,” then set the webhooks URL to http://YOUR_HUBOT_URL/hubot/scoutapp/CAMPFIRE_ROOM_NUMBER

That’s it! Try creating a Scout trigger that fires immediately to test it out.

Thanks again to Scout user Gavin Stark for writing the Hubot script, and to Hubot maintainer Tom Bell for the quick merge.