Where are the Rails infrastructure support firms?

There are no formal documents to sign if you and your spouse decide to have children. You don’t have to sit through an accreditation class. There is no credit check. You don’t need a high school diploma. Procreation can even happen accidentally.

A baby is a lot like a Rails application: the problem is caring for it, not creating it.

Five years ago, the typical Rails stack was just a couple of pieces: Apache/Mongrel, Rails, and MySQL. While Rails is remarkably similar to its original form even today, the stack around it is dramatically more diverse. We’re deploying to automated infrastructures, using NoSQL databases, messaging systems, queuing systems, and more. With the increased complexity of web applications, I’m surprised we’re not seeing companies dedicated to 24/7 infrastructure support: it doesn’t matter where your app is hosted, they manage it.

The need for Rails Daycare

Thanks to the maturity of the Rails framework, two developers can come together and give birth to a viable web business. However, once the application is launched, things get more complicated:

A solid business

An infrastructure support business seems to make a lot of sense:

So, where are the caretakers for this Rails business baby boom?

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